Digital Citizenship and Acceptable Use Policy
THIS promotes the use of computer technology in its instructional and afterschool programs in order to facilitate learning and teaching through interpersonal communications, access to information, research and collaboration. The THIS staff have a professional responsibility to work together to help students develop the intellectual skills necessary to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use the information to meet their educational goals.
This acceptable use policy provides an ethical framework for using computer technology in a positive and constructive manner and promotes the concept of being a responsible digital citizens. Spartan Learners and staff have the right and responsibility to respect and protect the rights of every user in the school and on the Internet. The use of the school internet and computers is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate, unauthorized and illegal use will result in the cancellation of these privileges for the individual and/or the entire school community and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Spartan character is about being a good digital citizen. Additionally, the administration and Tsinghua University Technology Department are authorized to retrieve and review any email and user mailboxes contents sent through Tsinghua’s system. THIS reserves the right to adjust the consequences based on the severity of the violation. Extreme violations may result in permanent expulsion from the school.
◼Communication through email or other online platforms should always exhibit common sense and civility. Students are responsible for sending messages that are Spartan appropriate –in language,tone, and content. Digital Citizens do not use the Internet for hate mail, discriminatory remarks, gossip, and/or offensive or inflammatory correspondence.
◼Good digital citizens do not use the Internet to facilitate illegal activity including using the Internet for distribution, reproduction or use of copyrighted materials. Spartans do not use the Internet to access obscene or pornographic material, intentionally obtain or modify files and data belonging to other users, or for the impersonation of another user.
◼Spartans use educationally appropriate sites while on campus including in the cafeteria and dorms.
◼Spartans may use the Internet for commercial or for-profit purposes ONLY if approved by the Director of the Secondary Division or another designated school administrator.
◼Good Digital Citizens only download programs, files, and other electronic media with proper permission and authorization. ◼Spartans will only quote or use personal communications in a public forum after obtaining the original author’s prior consent.
◼Spartans absolutely never do the following: destruction, modification, or abuse of Internet hardware and software or any kind of vandalism, defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet or other networks or hardware, including the uploading or creation of computer viruses.