How do you know if your information is good information?
When you research you may find a lot of information about your topic. It's important to evaluate that information to make sure you are using good sources. One way to help you evaluate your sources is to use the CRAAP test. The CRAAP test will help you find the best and most credible sources for your research.
C= Current
R= Relevant
A= Authority of the author
A= Accuracy
P= Purpose
If the information in a source meets all or most of these standards, it will be a good source to use for your research.
Academic Honesty means doing your best to be truthful and honest in all of your work at school.
In research, academic honesty means not plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is when you take someone's words and use them as your own.
Here are the ways that you can avoid plagiarizing:
Plagiarism can be intentional and unintentional
Unintentional Plagiarism
Intentional Plagiarism
Be sure to pay attention when doing research to make sure you don't plagiarize!